Ultrasonic Testing

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Ultrasonic Testing uses pulsed ultrasonic sound waves to assess the internal integrity of a component. Ferrous and nonferrous materials can be assessed using this technique, which is widely used across industries for quality control and materials testing. Ultrasonic Testing is a versatile method of NDT that can be used across many components to detect flaws, characterise materials, or check measurements. Our team has more than a decade of experience in the industry and will be able to carry out high-quality Ultrasonic Inspections on your behalf. Call us on 01795 432 634 to tell us your requirements.

Hear from our clients

What is Ultrasonic Inspection?

Ultrasonic Inspection utilises a transducer to transmit ultrasonic sound waves throughout the component. A couplant is used to enable the sound waves to enter the component effectively. The most common purpose of an ultrasonic weld inspection is to check there are no internal defects within a weld or component. However, Ultrasonic Testing can also be used to work out the configuration of a component if no drawings are available, and to check the thickness of any parallel sided component. Apart from inspecting welds, we often use this technique to assess corrosion levels in pipelines, and to ensure bolts used for items such as lift pulleys have no cracking present before their continued use.

Ultrasonic Testing of welds: Why it’s needed

There are various industrial reasons why an ultrasonic test of welds may be needed. This method of NDT is often used for:

  • Obtaining information about the internal structure of the weld, rather than its surface.
  • Identifying the exact location of a discontinuity within a weld using various ultrasonic frequencies.
  • Aiding in the collection of data about a weld to determine if it is compliant with industry standards.
  • Measuring the thickness of a component by calculating the travel time between a pulse and reflector.

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What’s the difference between ultrasonic testing and phased array?

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is an alternative to Ultrasonic Testing (UT). PAUT transducers are more advanced than those used during UT, using a wider range of angles and producing a clear, detailed image of the internal profile of the component and any discontinuities which may be present. Phased Array is useful if the component requires a more thorough repeatable inspection strategy, or if the component’s thickness isn’t ideal for the requirements of Ultrasonic Testing. The Phased Array technique produces an image of a component’s internal structure, which can then be interpreted by a technician and made available to the client to be kept as a permanent record of the inspection.

Get in touch with our team

If you’re searching for a reliable company to conduct Ultrasonic Testing, we’re the company for you. Call us on 01795 432 634 or email info@standwinspections.co.uk, or complete our contact form for a same-day response.


Our alternative
NDT techniques

In addition to Ultrasonic Testing, we provide a range of alternative NDT methods as well as offsite DT methods. We offer weld and component testing for any circumstance you could require.

Visual inspection

Visual Inspection

Visual Testing is carried out by an expert. They will notice any inconsistencies in the surface of the component.

Magnetic particle inspection

Magnetic Particle Inspection

Magnetic Particle Inspection uses iron filings and a magnetic field to detect flaws on the component’s surface.

Liquid penetrant testing

Liquid Penetrant Testing

A penetrating liquid sinks into surface discontinuities and is drawn out by a developing agent for the technician to interpret.

District Heating NDT

District Heating NDT

Our bespoke NDT method is utilised on pipelines in heating networks, giving an alternative to expensive and less safe methods of inspection such as Radiography.

Positive Material Identification

Positive Material Identification

Positive Material Identification is used for material analysis to determine the exact composition of a component. With onsite and offsite options available, the technique used can be tailored to your requirements. PMI can determine whether a material conforms to the right specification.

Working with
S.T & W Inspections

Working with our knowledgeable and flexible NDT company, you will benefit from having professionals in the NDT industry carrying out your inspections. If we can help you in any way we will and we pride ourselves on being extremely reactive to works which are required at short notice.

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Responsible Welding Co-Ordinators

Our team contains RWCs (Responsible Welding Co-ordinators) who can supervise your welding activities and ensure they are carried out in accordance with the specification. An RWC can help you to navigate the standards that apply to your work, if necessary, can develop new weld procedures for your project.

S.T & W Inspections

To enquire further about our Ultrasonic Inspection services, get in touch with our experienced team. We are available on 01795 432 634 and via email on info@standwinspections.co.uk.